Podiatry Prior Authorization: Overcoming Challenges, Optimizing Care

Podiatry prior authorization (PA) present a critical hurdle in the seamless delivery of foot and ankle care, impacting both practitioners and patients. In this comprehensive exploration, we dissect how it affects podiatrists and staff during the pre-authorization process, examine the implications for patient care, and shed light on key statistics and expert insights.

We delve into ongoing efforts to address the challenges and how to enable fast and efficient podiatry pre-authorization.

Challenges for Podiatrists

The 2023 American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Member Survey revealed that 85% of Podiatrists believe that the prior-authorization process is too complex. Further, 78% of Podiatrists feel that pre-approval related documentation reduces time that they could be spending with their patients.

1. Time Struggle: Balancing Administrative Tasks and Patient Interaction

The pre-authorization process demands an extensive time investment, diverting crucial hours from direct patient care. Striking a balance between administrative tasks and patient interaction remains an intricate challenge.

“The pre-authorization process is too complex and time-consuming. It takes away from time that I could be spending with my patients.”

– A response from the 2023 APMA Member Survey

2. Diverse Requirements from Payors

The intricate nature of the pre-authorization process, coupled with varying requirements from different payors, adds layers of complexity. Ensuring timely submission of all necessary information becomes a daunting task for podiatrists.

For example, some State Medicaid services have recently removed the need for pre-approval for

  • Walking Boot, Prefabricated (CPT L4360 and L4361)
  • Ankle Foot Orthotic, Prefabricated (CPT L1906 and L1930)
  • Surgical Boot (CPT L3260)
  • Follow-up office visits to a local, in-network podiatrist

This decision may be adopted by other states or be changed further. This constant churn in regulations is a massive headache for healthcare practices, patients and staff.

3. Denials despite Diligence

Even with meticulous submission of required information, podiatrists often face denials of pre-authorization requests. These denials not only frustrate practitioners but also pose the risk of delaying or preventing patients from receiving essential care.

Facts, Figures, and Expert Insights

A 2019 survey by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) revealed that 90% of podiatrists report a negative impact of prior authorization on their practices. Of these practitioners, 70% spend over two hours weekly navigating the pre-approval process.

Dr. William Wagner, President of the APMA, emphasizes, “Pre-authorization is a major challenge for podiatrists and their patients. It can delay care, lead to financial hardship, and create frustration for everyone involved.”

Experts also warn that administrative struggles negatively affect patient care, add financial burdens and increase patient mortality.

Efforts to Address Challenges

1. Guidelines for Streamlining Prior Authorization: APMA Initiatives

Proactive measures by the APMA include guidelines for payors to streamline the pre-authorization process. This aims to enhance efficiency and transparency in the pre-approval process and reduce unnecessary denials in the long run.

2. Collaboration with State Legislatures: Advocating for Change

APMA has been actively collaborating with state legislatures as a key strategy to enact laws that make the pre-authorization process more efficient and transparent.

3. CMS Guidance and Electronic Tools: Embracing Innovation

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have issued guidance to payers on implementing prior authorization programs without causing delays in patient care. Efforts are underway to develop electronic PA tools for increased efficiency.

Mastering Prior Authorizations: 5 Steps for Seamless Approvals

  • Understand Payer Requirements: Know the ins and outs of your payers’ prior authorization needs, including required documentation and submission deadlines.
  • Standardize Your Approach: Develop a uniform process for submitting authorization requests, ensuring completeness and accuracy every time.
  • Embrace Digital Tools: Opt for electronic authorization tools to automate tasks and minimize errors, boosting efficiency.
  • Follow Up: Stay proactive by checking the status of pending requests, ensuring timely processing, and addressing any issues promptly.
  • Consider Outsourcing: Free up your staff for essential patient care by outsourcing authorization tasks to Revenue Cycle Management providers. These organizations are not only industry certified but bring deep expertise in the PA process, helping save money and time.

Implement these practical steps to simplify the prior authorization process and enhance overall operational efficiency.


Podiatry prior authorization present multifaceted challenges for both practitioners and patients, affecting timely access to care and creating financial burdens. The statistics and expert insights emphasize the urgency for streamlined processes through robust policy decisions. While ongoing efforts by organizations like the APMA and CMS show promise in the long-term, there’s a lot more to be done.

For podiatry practices seeking relief from the burdens of pre-authorization, a strategic solution lies in outsourcing these tasks. A reliable Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) service provider can navigate the intricacies, ensuring efficient pre-authorizations, timely care, and financial stability.

· “Outsourcing can help podiatry practices reduce their RCM costs by up to 50%”

– A 2023 RCM Market Trends Report

In the dynamic landscape of podiatric care, where time is precious, consider the transformative power of outsourcing. Elevating your practice, prioritizing patient care, and navigating prior authorizations with confidence are not difficult. They can be made easily possible with a competent RCM partner, and this is a decision that healthcare providers are advised to consider at the earliest available opportunity.