How To Upgrade Your Prior Authorization Process

One of the major challenges is with prior authorization. Every year providers lose millions of dollars in the prior authorization process due to:

  • Verification of Patient Data
  • Inability to prove medical necessity
  • Incorrect usage of Modifiers
  • Insufficient Documentation

Rising healthcare costs and labor shortage makes it inconvenient in finding a team of experienced billers and certified coders. Achieving a hassle free practice management experience can be challenging for many DME/HME/ O&P providers.

Roadblocks with prior auth can lead to serious delays in procedures. The number of prior authorization needed has increased and is the voice of 83% of physicians. Also, it is critical to note that only 24% of physicians said that their EMR systems had the upper hand to accommodate pre authorization for medications. The challenge is to explore the right options and find a genuine vendor that can extend superior solutions in prior authorization services.

The Sunknowledge Aptitude

One of the prime reasons to partner with us will always be our extensive experience and versatility across processes and systems. Our team of pre authorization experts understands your front desk hassles a lot better than any RCM services company in the healthcare space. We are currently working with more than 500 clients across more than 28 specialties. We have also reduced operational expenses by almost 80% with our stand out intervention in prior authorization.

We have a quicker authorization rate of 1.5x to 2x and will optimize your reimbursement process. Speak to our team and get to know what makes us unique in the entire RCM world. We are just a contact away from you! We have great experience in eliminating your prior auth troubles.

Hear from us on how we define your prior authorization mandates. Our niche presence, capability of driving your reimbursements can drive your collections like no one else. Speak to our team and come to know why we are special in the world of prior authorization services. At just $7 per hour, we make it possible for you.